CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) provide the financial support, advice, insight and expertise so charities can get more help to where it’s needed.
You can make a donation to Addup via CAF

Give As You Live
You can make a donation to Addup by clicking on the button below
Did you know you can also shop online at over 2,500 stores and raise money for us – at no extra cost?
Simply visit to get started- it couldn’t be simpler – just shop online as you normally would, using Give As You Live and a % of your spend will be donated to us- without costing you a penny more.
Don’t Send Me A Card
Help raise funds for Addup by sending e-cards from Don’t Send Me A Card and choose how much you would have spent on buying & sending cards and donate that amount which will then be sent to Addup (or the charity you have chosen)
Selling on eBay?
Help raise funds for Addup when you sell items on eBay by donating a percentage of your final selling price.
Every time you list an item for Addup, you’ll get a fee credit on your basic insertion and final value fees equal to the percentage you donate. So if you donate 50% of your selling price to Addup, eBay will waive 50% of your fees. You can read more about how it works here.
Help Raise Funds for Addup provide a FREE service where you can shop with your favourite online stores and at no extra cost raise funds for Addup. You still shop directly with each retailer as you would normally, but simply by using the links from their site first each retailer will make a cashback donation to Addup.
For example, spend £25 with WH Smith and 3.5% will be donated. You will have raised £0.88, at no extra cost to your purchase. Make any purchase from Amazon and 2.5% will be donated. Insure your car with Direct Line and raise £30.00, or purchase a mobile phone from O2 and earn £17.50, and so on.
You can shop with 500+ Brand Name retailers and to raise funds you just use the links from their site first – it’s that simple!
And now you can even help raise funds for Addup while you search online! have added a fundraising search engine, easysearch is their new charity search enginewhere you can raise funds for Addup, simply by surfing the web!
easysearch works just like Google giving you fast, accurate search results every time you search online. But unlike Google, easysearch gives you something back!
easysearch have combined the results from several major search engines – Yahoo!, Bing,, MIVA and many more – to make easysearch a ‘super’ search engine. easysearch tracks down the most relevant and accurate search results from across the Web, which means you’ll find what you’re looking for quickly and easily every time – in one ‘easy’ search!
When you search using easysearch Addup will receive around a penny for every search you make. It doesn’t sound like much, but the pennies soon mount up and a keen searcher can raise £25.00 a year – or more – just through their normal online searching!
easysearch is completely free to use, so this is a great way to support Addup – just by surfing the web as you do already! You can even add their search engine to your browser and make it your default search engine.
Simply register with, choose Addup from the list of good causes, we’re actually listed as Attention Deficit Disorders Uniting Parents (ADD UP), and remember to go to your favourite online shopping sites via and start raising funds to support Addup.
If you would like to raise funds for your own charity or organisation please use this link and we’ll all benefit. As Addup will then receive a ‘lifetime’ revenue share of 20% of whatever you raise, for as long as you use their service. Don’t worry – this won’t affect your fundraising total as easyfundraising pay the extra funds to Addup as a thank you.