Children’s Activities

Activities for children and young people

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the World
~Albert Einstein~

Drama Group

At the Drama Group, which runs every Saturday (term time only), the young people are taught skills in different areas of performing arts, all to prepare them in putting on an annual production in December. The children are taught in areas including, drama, dance, mime, stage fighting and singing.
Throughout the year the children take part in auditions, rehearsals and finally performing in front of a large audience over two days. Throughout the year, the children gain in other skills, such as self esteem, and it builds their confidence.
They make friends and build social skills in order to maintain good relationships with their peers. The children become a family and they will continuously support each other both on and off the stage.
This project has been running since 2009 and each year the show is bigger and better than the last. It has proven very popular, with audience numbers reaching well over 200.

After school Club

The After School Club, on Wednesdays, consists of 90 minute sessions of fun, games and life & social skills. The children and young people will play games that encourage socialising. We will have group discussions about any issues that have been raised and come up with ideas to problem solve them.
There will also be art & craft activities, food activity sessions which can include biscuit decorating, food tasting, etc.

School Holiday Projects

During the school holidays, we provide activities for the young people which focus on building life skills.
During the summer, which is the biggest project in our calendar, the children can attend for up to 4 weeks and will take part in various crafts as well as drama, movement and team building games.
These projects are often described as “Chaos with fun” but are actually planned and designed around building the confidence of the young people and giving them an opportunity to express their feelings in ways only they know how. The children have fun and enjoy being with others who understand them. They come in as children and are all on the same level, being taught how to cope with everyday life and retraining them in skills necessary for going into the world.

Our school holiday projects currently run as follows:
February Half Term – 5 days
Easter Holidays – 4/5 days
Summer Holidays – 20 days
October Half Term – 5 days

For details on when any of these activities are available, and how much they cost, please visit the Diary Dates page